"If you would be loved, love, and be" Benjamin Franklin quotes from BrainyQuotecom If you aren't being loved in the relationships that you're in, then you need to take a serious look at the people you love and decide if they're worth the effort Some people are just jerks and you're better off without them If they treat you poorly and don't love you, then you need to find someone new You deserve better벌써 1년이 다되어가는 하와이 신혼여행 ♪ 정말 다시 꼭 한번 다시 가보고 싶은 여행지라 아직도 생생하게 기억이 나는것 같아요 저희는 반자유 일정으로 다녀와서 일행과 같이 다니지 않는 시간에 검색을 통해 이곳저곳 알아보고 맛집을 찾아 다녔는데 맛있었던곳 리스트를 추천해드릴까 해요
If You Want To Be Loved Be Lovable Meaning In Hindi
If you would be loved love and be lovable meaning in hindi